180-Degree Turn
Romans 15:13 (NIRV) “May the God who gives hope fill you with great joy. May you have perfect peace as you trust in him. May the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.”
Funny, I was sitting on the beach and thought, I need to write about the ephiany I was experiencing at that moment. It is amazing how God uses the everyday to teach us such important yet practical truths. This is what happened to me back in August.
I could not be in direct sunlight as I recovered from my surgery, but I needed to breathe the sea air, or as one of my inner circle friends would say, “soaking up my vitamin sea.” I walked down to the beach with my family. Chair in hand, beach cover-up, 55+ sunscreen, a broad-brimmed hat, and the most gigantic sunglasses I could find. I looked, might I say, “stunning.” I dropped my chair facing away from the sun, not my usual position, but none the less the only one I was allowed to have.
My view was of one of the bridges that welcome people onto our little island that I adore. I could see in the distance our beloved dog beach. But the sky was filled with all shapes, sizes, and colors of clouds. There were sunlit white fluffy clouds, and below them were fast-moving grey masses blocking the sun rays. The cold wind was gusting off the ocean, carrying pelting sand against our legs. Yeah, not the perfect beach day. I decided to get up and grab my towel, wrapping my body in it, hoping to get some protection and warmth.
When I turned around, I could not believe my eyes. I had only made a 180-degree turn, and the view was so different. The sky was a brilliant blue and just a few white clouds breaking up the canvas. It was as if it was a different day. All I had done was changed my perspective, and there was beauty, light, and warmth.
How many times in our lives do we settle in the cold of darkness, hoping things would change. We stay mesmerized, almost paralyzed at the things we see and feel. Our scenery or circumstances burden our hearts and minds. We long for change. But we stay right where we are. We do not move. We do not change our mindset or question our feelings. We just soak in despair. My friends, we need to change our view! But where do we start?
We need to decide to move. We are all given the option to make a choice. Matthew 11:28 provides us with a call to “come” to God, and IF we do, He will give us rest. God provides us with an invitation, those of us who are burdened, to come to Him, and we will gain soul rest. Let’s be honest! Aren’t we all burdened? Couldn’t we all use a change of scenery and find some soul rest?
There are times I do not move because I am afraid of what is not seen. Sometimes, I get too comfortable in my “grey” surroundings because at least I know the level of security I have. Well, at least I think I have. But we are called to more than just acceptance of what life gives us. We are not to be stuck in the grey and dull. We are called to live bright, vibrant, hopeful lives. We are promised a life of peace. A life of joy! Who doesn’t want that?
These promises all hinge on our TRUST in the ONE who can give us this promised peace and joy. If we do not look to the only One and trust that He will fulfill these promises; then, we will not have peace or joy. I understand the hesitancy of trusting the unknown these days. Is there any person living that does not at least at one time fear what is coming around the next corner? But even though our future circumstances are unknown, God can be known and trusted if we choose to place our faith in Him.
I have been challenged recently about finding the balance between the “self-will” and “spiritual will.” There are plenty of worldly messages out there that encourage the human mind to take control of their destiny and “be the change.” Yes, I believe we are to be proactive in our lives. We need to act and not just sit and question the things around us. However, we cannot do this in our own strength; it needs to be through the Holy Spirit’s empowerment in our lives. Philippians 4:13 tells us, YES, we can do all things, but it is “through Christ who strengthens us.” While sitting in a dark prison cell, Paul tells us that he can do ALL things through Christ. He is talking about having a steady mindset and persevering under the worst of circumstances. He did, and we can! We first need to trust and allow the Spirit to move in our hearts and minds. Believing that He will give us all that we need to live vibrant, peace-filled, and joyous lives. Turn away from the grey and look into the bright, hopeful light of Jesus.